About Me

Hi everybody! I'm Aimee a 23 year old, Newcastle born lets be honest jobless, aspiring something or other!! I love make-up, fashion, lifestyle & anything to do with writing lists. If I could be a professional list maker that is what I would be. I'm self-taught in make up, but by no means am I a professional, however I do have a little bit of a passion for it & have been collecting it for years. I am a firm believer in the fact that make up doesn't have to be "pretty" & lets face it make up therapy when your in a bad mood is BOMB. The fact that you can create so much with it & change yourself into something completely different for a while is so therapeutic it's insane.

So let's get down to business why on earth has this jobless whats her name created a blog? Well that's a very good question. The reason I wanted to create a blog is because I want to have some other creative outlet where I can share my thoughts, ideas and inspiration for others to see. Also I am one of the biggest procrastinators you will EVER meet & I wanted to be able to do something productive with my time so that my time not working wasn't time wasted, and I have wanted to create a blog for some time now and like I said before BIGGEST PROCRASTINATOR EVER so I've always put it off, until now. So from reviews, to how to's and little snippets of my life here is my blog a gift from me to the world on how not to be perfect & to enjoy life as it is.


*P.S Zeta is my middle name.

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